Scleroderma Examination |
- Introduce yourself and thank patient
- Make sure patient is sitting on bed, position height adequately and expose patient at least to elbow
- Place a pillow on the patient's lap
- Make a show of standing back and inspecting the room
- cup may be present to perform the sip test
- gloves to ward of raynaud's phenomenon
- mobility aides
- look for scleroderma facies, telangiectasia, obvious sclerodactyly, pigmentation, cushingoid appearance, raynauds
- Inspect carefully the nails, hands and arms for the following scleroderma features
- raynauds phenomenon
- thickening
- periungal erythema
- digital pitting and ulceration
- tapering of the fingers
- loss of digital pulps
- pseudo clubbing
- calcinosis
- telangiectasias
- joint swelling
- Test capillary return
- Palpate the radial and ulnar arteries
- Palpate carefully up the arms first to show extent of skin thickening: start from finger tips, hands, elbows, proximal arms, chest
- helps determine if scleroderma is diffuse or limited
- Perform the hand functionality exam testing for restricted movement
- supination
- Pronation
- wrist flexion (prayer sign)
- Wrist extension (reverse prayer sign)
- Elbow flexion
- inspect elbows for rheumatoid nodules
- elbow extension
- hands behind head
- hands behind back
- Formally test wrist flexion at the ulnar styloid if the hand functionality test was positive
- Palpate the CMC, MCP, PIJ, DIJ systematically, as 20% of patients with scleroderma have active joint synovitis
- Turn the patients hand over to expose the palm
- Palpate for thickening of the flexor tendons
- Test for finger crepitus
- Check for functional movements
- grip strength
- pincer strength
- Opposition
- Check for practical movements
- Ask patient what their dominant hand is
- Get patient to open jar, pull out key and make a motion as if they are turning on the ignition of a car
- Ask to check the patients blood pressure
- Check for proximal myopathy by asking patient to abduct shoulders against resistance
- checking for associated myositis, disuse atrophy or steroid effect
- Inspect hair for alopecia
- Inspect eyes for anaemia
- aetiology is gastric antral vascular ectasia, GI telangiectasia, anaemia of chronic disease, medication related
- Pull down eye lids slowly, they should not easily evert
- Inspect face for telangiectesia
- Inspect mouth for ulcers
- Measure oral aperture with tape or fingers (<3 fingers is limited opening)
- Perform sip test
- Positive if regurgitation or aspiration is evident
- Check for signs of pulmonary hypertension
- JVP with systolic v waves
- Pulsatile liver
- RV heave
- Palpable P2
- Pulmonary thrill
- Loud P2
- TR murmur
- PR murmur
- Check for signs of ILD
- fine end-inspiratory velcro like crackles predominantly at the bases
- Note the predominant pattern is NSIP > UIP
- Measure chest expansion if diffuse skin thickening is observed
- Move on to the lower legs and expose them, testing for skin thickening
- Palpate the distal pulses
- Feel for pitting oedema
- Palpate peripheral pulses
- Squeeze MTP joints