- Wash your hands
- Introduce yourself and thank the patient
- Inspect the room for devices, fluid infusions, oxygen therapy etc
- Inspect fingers
- Leukonychia - white nails, a sign of hypoalbuminaemia, seen in chronic liver disease, nephrotic syndrome
- clubbing - seen in IBD, CLD, congenital heart disease, CF
- Inspect hands
- palmar erythema - reflects vasodilated state of cirrhosis secondary to increased oestrodiol: free testosterone
- dupytren's contracture
- tendon xanthoma
- Check for hepatic flap
- Ask patient to dorsiflex wrist with fingers spread apart
- asterixis is found in all grades of hepatic encephalopathy, and is not specific (eg metabolic, uraemic encephalopathies)
- Whilst checking for hepatic flap determine orientation
- Which hospital they are at
- What day of the week is it
- Inspect arms
- brusing, ecchymoses, marks of excoriation from pruritis, track marks, tatoos, A-V fistula, cachexia, jaundiceK-F
- Ask for blood pressure and temperature and repeat it back to examiner
- Look into eyes
- Jaundice
- K-F rings
- Xantholesma
- Arcus-senilis
- scleritis, episcleritis, anterior uveitis
- Look into mouth
- appreciate fetor hepaticus
- Look for telangiectasia
- ulcers
- dentition
- gum hypertrophy (CsA use in liver/ renal Tx)
- glossitis
- angular chelitis
- Palpate the parotids
- Palpate supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
- look for virchow's node on the left
- Check JVP and feel for hepato-abdominal reflex
- evidence of congestive hepatic cirrhosis
- Palpate for gynecomastia
- Lie patient flat
- Ask the patient to lift their head of the bed, looking for hernias
- Make a point of observing from top and from sides, trace out scars clearly for examiner
- Ask if there is any tenderness
- Palpate superficially
- Palpate deeply
- Palpate from RIF for liver and tract liver edge, noting whether it is firm/ irrergular etc
- Measure liver span by finding the superior surface through percussion
- Palpate for spleen from RIF
- Percuss for spleen and note its contour
- Percuss for shifting dullness towards you and make a note of position of dullness
- Turn pt to right hand side and palpate for spleen if not felt earlier, otherwise wait 30s and look at back whist waiting for shifting dullness
- Percuss for shifting dullness
- Ballot kidneys
- Auscultate for hepatic venous hum, bruit, renal artery bruit, bowel sounds
- Ask the patient to look at the groin for hernias and palpate for inguinal lymphadenopathy
- Thank the patient
- Turn to examiner and say that you would like to assess for testicular atrophy, perform a PR examination for malena and masses, and note the results of the urinalysis
- Request to present your findings